Now, my wife is American. Like many colonials, she can tell you in astonishing detail about who her great great great uncle twice removed was, where he came from and his occupation etc. She has pretty much memorised – sorry – memorized – the names of family members stretching back for the last four hundred years. Now most Brits on the other hand, me included, have a fairly vague idea about where they actually come from and their roots. Some struggle, in even having a really clear picture of who their Grandparents really were. So over the summer I decided to rectify this genealogical inequality and trace my own family tree. Shock horror! Turns out the Stubbs name originates from County Durham and Im descended from a long line of northerners. Came as a bit of a surprise actually. But maybe thats where I get my craving to eat fish and chips once a week from – its in my genes. Anyway, less surprisingly, our family name derives from our having been woodsmen – literally the men who cut the tree to a stub.
Which all brings me neatly to the focus of this entry – the name Stub. Stub just happens to be the brand name in Singapore of a very neat little packet one keeps ones cigarette stubs in instead of tossing them onto the street. At least if you live in Singapore, where tossing in public, so to speak, is pretty much illegal. Anyway the advertising campaign,Dont be a tosser is a fantastic idea that fits with my four maxims of what makes great advertising – its immediate, relevant, simple and witty. Any brand that can make you smile, is generally on the right track.

If only I smoked Id buy some!
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