It’s a question that gets asked a lot. We do have a name that sort of provokes the question I guess. Well the best way to answer it is a snap shot of the last couple of weeks and some of the things I have been involved with working with our team members.
Just over two weeks ago I was in Lapland, in the municipality of Arvidsjaur (it’s where they have the winter testing of cars and polar driving experience) running workshops with stakeholders and meeting local politicians to see how we can help reverse the decline in population and boost summer tourism.
It’s a really fascinating brief. Lapland is an incredible experience (and actually the weather was beautiful – and we were just 160 kilometres from the polar circle). I was working there with two of UP’s Swedish marketeers, Jenny (who is actually a fabulous Finn) and Mats (equally fabulous but from southern Sweden where they have strange accents). Running brand workshops with these two is always enjoyable, fun and we all quickly discover that it’s a myth that northern Swedes are quite. Anything but. In the middle of the workshop though we all take a break for a traditional Swedish
fika, (comprising having a coffee and a bit of a chat). It’s a very important part of the Swedish culture.
If you want to discover more about the importance of the Swedish
fika go to the bottom of this blog.

Julian and Rudolf

Breakout group in a workshop session in Arvidsjaur
Fast forward to June 2nd. It’s 38 degrees centigrade outside, but we are inside one of the world’s coolest, but hottest, sustainable developments
We’re now running a digital workshop at the Masdar Institute, Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates. Masdar is a university, a renewable energy developer, an investor and is building one of the world’s most sustainable cities. The company comprises four integrated business units complemented by a graduate-level research university. Pretty impressive, and the people we meet are impressive as well.
At this workshop I’m accompanied by two amazing UP members based in Dubai, Zar and Asra. Both are smart, fun and highly professional. The clothes worn at this session are a mix of western casual to arabic, and it helps to make for a really exotic and interesting session.

We have great discussions around digital, Inbound Marketing, developing content and emerging trends. During this workshop we break not for a
fika but for
prayers. Again, we get great input and interaction at the workshops, with the noise level rising during the breakout sessions as the attendees really get into it. It was something I’ll never forget. I just think how lucky I am to have experienced two such contrasting places in the space of just a couple of weeks. From Lapland to Abu Dhabi.
So why are we called UP THERE, EVERYWHERE? Simply because we are.
Julian Stubbs is Founder & CEO of UP THERE, EVERYWHERE, the Global Cloud Based agency. More here:
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